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Pentru telefoanele mobile formatul este diferit. În partea de sus a ecranului va apărea o icoană cu trei linii scurte ☰, dați click pe acestea ca să apară secțiunile cu diferitele povestiri. Totuși, nu dați click pe acele secțiuni ci pe săgețile corespondente fiecărei secțiuni.
Acestea vă sunt puse la dispoziţie pentru desfătarea şi edificarea dumneavoastră. Sper ca prin citirea acestor povestiri amuzante să fiţi încurajaţi şi cauza lui Hristos va străluci puţin mai mult.
Our main site in English is,
FREE eBooks, Christian Films, short stores, helpful videos and more. See below!
Chiar aici deasupra se află butonul pentru POVESTIRI ADEVARATE I & II, FICTIUNE, DESCATUSAT şi ENCICLOPEDIE BIBLICA, vă rog puneţi săgeata mouse-ului deasupra lor şi vor apărea titlurile povestirilor. Apoi alegeţi-o pe cea pe care doriţi să o citiţi apăsând (click!) pe titlul ei.
Pentru telefoanele mobile formatul este diferit. În partea de sus a ecranului va apărea o icoană cu trei linii scurte ☰, dați click pe acestea ca să apară secțiunile cu diferitele povestiri. Totuși, nu dați click pe acele secțiuni ci pe săgețile corespondente fiecărei secțiuni.
Acestea vă sunt puse la dispoziţie pentru desfătarea şi edificarea dumneavoastră. Sper ca prin citirea acestor povestiri amuzante să fiţi încurajaţi şi cauza lui Hristos va străluci puţin mai mult.
Our main site in English is,
FREE eBooks, Christian Films, short stores, helpful videos and more. See below!
Autor: Garry şi soţia lui, Nancy
G. M. Matheny a absolvit “Pacific Coast Baptist Bible College” în anul 1979 şi a publicat trei cărţi. El şi soţia lui, Nancy, au venit în România în anul 1991, împreună cu cei şase copii, unde slujesc ca misionari la Buşteni.
[Dear reader, this site was translated from my English site. If there are any questions on the content or translation please see my English site. ]
Vezi noul nostru film, Doamne, du-ne în România
In 1991 a preacher, his wife, and six children, flew from Washington State to Portugal, and then by trains to Romania.
This resulted in one comical calamity after another. But when they crossed into Eastern Europe,
it became like a tense roller coaster ride. And at the border of Romania there is an unexpected ending.
Watch for FREE at
In 1991 a preacher, his wife, and six children, flew from Washington State to Portugal, and then by trains to Romania.
This resulted in one comical calamity after another. But when they crossed into Eastern Europe,
it became like a tense roller coaster ride. And at the border of Romania there is an unexpected ending.
Watch for FREE at
Based on a true story! About a young man who reluctantly enters the navy and becomes a diver to please his father, but later finds himself in the most dangerous spy mission of the Cold War. Though he had trusted Christ for salvation he still wanted to decide on what to do with his life and making the dive had become an idol to him.
Watch for FREE at
Based on a true story! About a young man who reluctantly enters the navy and becomes a diver to please his father, but later finds himself in the most dangerous spy mission of the Cold War. Though he had trusted Christ for salvation he still wanted to decide on what to do with his life and making the dive had become an idol to him.
Watch for FREE at
Hi everyone! We have uplifting and encouraging stories for you! Everything from top secret submarine espionage, to bringing our six small children on a train from Portugal to Romania, where we served as missionaries for 30 years. I believe you will enjoy, learn, and hopefully be helped by our life experiences.
The following platforms have our podcast.
4. Podcast Index,
5. iHeartRadio,
6. Deezer,
7. Podcast Addict,
8. Podchaser,
9. Audible,
10. Amazon Music,
A Few of Our Podcast titles.
“Aliens” in Revelation, Part 1,
Lord, get us to Romania,
James 4:2 "ye have not, because ye ask not"
Inspiration of Scriptures
The Tree of Marriage
Excuses of Moses
Hi everyone! We have uplifting and encouraging stories for you! Everything from top secret submarine espionage, to bringing our six small children on a train from Portugal to Romania, where we served as missionaries for 30 years. I believe you will enjoy, learn, and hopefully be helped by our life experiences.
The following platforms have our podcast.
4. Podcast Index,
5. iHeartRadio,
6. Deezer,
7. Podcast Addict,
8. Podchaser,
9. Audible,
10. Amazon Music,
A Few of Our Podcast titles.
“Aliens” in Revelation, Part 1,
Lord, get us to Romania,
James 4:2 "ye have not, because ye ask not"
Inspiration of Scriptures
The Tree of Marriage
Excuses of Moses
Our Newest Book
GM Matheny was a US Navy saturation diver on the nuclear submarine USS Halibut. Involved in "Operation Ivy Bells". America’s most important and most dangerous of the Cold War clandestine operations. If you like good old fashioned American bravado, espionage and American history, you will enjoy this book.
Based on True Events -The Mount Everest of Spy Missions
Firsthand account of history's greatest intelligence coup. Operation Ivy Bells was not a onetime intercept of foreign intelligence, but an ongoing operation of multiple Soviet military channels, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, which lasted for years! Another reason for the high interest in our operation was the audacious nature in which it was done—with not one person risking his neck but a whole crew of a nuclear submarine.
How did I end up as a navy diver, four hundred feet down in a frigid Russian sea? After making my dad totally disgusted with me, I set out to make him happy. “Honour thy father” - I struggled with a decision to serve God. “Lord, I will give my life to you and serve you if you let me make this dive.” But I had the impression He only wanted to know one thing: “What if I do not let you? Will you serve me anyway?”
BOOK EXCERPT "The tenders in the dive chamber who are bringing in Red Diver’s umbilical cable, unexpectedly have his cable ripped out of their hands! One of the tenders says, “What’s going on?” Matheny’s fins have landed back onto the first leg of the DSRV, which keeps him from sliding back any farther. He then pulls toward him about 30 feet of his umbilical cord and makes a dash for the next leg coming down from the DSRV. He makes it, but the red light shining in Matheny’s face is reminding him he is running out of time. From his position, he can see the light shining down in the water from the entry point back into the dive chamber. He positions himself to push off the last leg of the DSRV so he can enter the dive chamber. Then unexplainably he is again jerked backward with another sharp pull! This time his face mask slams into the leg of the DSRV. Matheny hurriedly makes a grab for this leg clinging to it."
Paperback 273 pages, $12.90
Kindle $6.30
What others are saying.
Pastor Marvin McKenzie (February 7, 2018)
“Garry Matheny is a friend and a fellow preacher. Prior to his salvation he served in the Navy as an elite saturation diver. He was involved in one of America’s most important and dangerous clandestine operations."
"Garry does a marvelous job of weaving recently declassified information regarding the operation, the record of an intelligence analyst spending the rest of his life in prison for selling the details of this operation to the Russians and his own eyewitness account of the operation itself."
"If you like good old fashioned American bravado, espionage and history, you will enjoy this book.”
David Meyer (February 26, 2018)
“I could not stop reading once I started. This book is for anyone that likes stories about submarines, divers, spies and or scripture. It’s all there in this interesting book.”
Amazon Customer (March 5, 2018)
“The flow of logic of the whole episode was great. Once I started reading it I couldn't stop.”
GM Matheny was a US Navy saturation diver on the nuclear submarine USS Halibut. Involved in "Operation Ivy Bells". America’s most important and most dangerous of the Cold War clandestine operations. If you like good old fashioned American bravado, espionage and American history, you will enjoy this book.
Based on True Events -The Mount Everest of Spy Missions
Firsthand account of history's greatest intelligence coup. Operation Ivy Bells was not a onetime intercept of foreign intelligence, but an ongoing operation of multiple Soviet military channels, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, which lasted for years! Another reason for the high interest in our operation was the audacious nature in which it was done—with not one person risking his neck but a whole crew of a nuclear submarine.
How did I end up as a navy diver, four hundred feet down in a frigid Russian sea? After making my dad totally disgusted with me, I set out to make him happy. “Honour thy father” - I struggled with a decision to serve God. “Lord, I will give my life to you and serve you if you let me make this dive.” But I had the impression He only wanted to know one thing: “What if I do not let you? Will you serve me anyway?”
BOOK EXCERPT "The tenders in the dive chamber who are bringing in Red Diver’s umbilical cable, unexpectedly have his cable ripped out of their hands! One of the tenders says, “What’s going on?” Matheny’s fins have landed back onto the first leg of the DSRV, which keeps him from sliding back any farther. He then pulls toward him about 30 feet of his umbilical cord and makes a dash for the next leg coming down from the DSRV. He makes it, but the red light shining in Matheny’s face is reminding him he is running out of time. From his position, he can see the light shining down in the water from the entry point back into the dive chamber. He positions himself to push off the last leg of the DSRV so he can enter the dive chamber. Then unexplainably he is again jerked backward with another sharp pull! This time his face mask slams into the leg of the DSRV. Matheny hurriedly makes a grab for this leg clinging to it."
Paperback 273 pages, $12.90
Kindle $6.30
What others are saying.
Pastor Marvin McKenzie (February 7, 2018)
“Garry Matheny is a friend and a fellow preacher. Prior to his salvation he served in the Navy as an elite saturation diver. He was involved in one of America’s most important and dangerous clandestine operations."
"Garry does a marvelous job of weaving recently declassified information regarding the operation, the record of an intelligence analyst spending the rest of his life in prison for selling the details of this operation to the Russians and his own eyewitness account of the operation itself."
"If you like good old fashioned American bravado, espionage and history, you will enjoy this book.”
David Meyer (February 26, 2018)
“I could not stop reading once I started. This book is for anyone that likes stories about submarines, divers, spies and or scripture. It’s all there in this interesting book.”
Amazon Customer (March 5, 2018)
“The flow of logic of the whole episode was great. Once I started reading it I couldn't stop.”
Când Isus Cristos a murit pe cruce, împreună cu El au fost încă doi barbaţi care au murit în acea zi. Ambii călcaseră porunca a opta: “Să nu furi”. Isus a dus pe unul din ei în Rai, dar nu şi pe celălalt. Ce a făcut să fie diferit? Amândoi au crezut că Isus Cristos exista, amândoi au vorbit cu el. Doar unul singur însă, şi-a pus credinţa în Cristos pentru mântuire. Acesta e cel care a recunoscut că este păcătos, şi merită o pedeapsă pentru infracţiunea lui, el a zis: ,,noi primim răsplata cuvenită pentru fărădelegile noastre…” El nu a căutat scuze pentru păcatele sale, ci s-a bizuit pe Isus, singurul care-l putea ierta, şi-a pus încrederea în Cristos, şi i-a cerut Domnului să-l mîntuiască. “Şi i-a zis lui Isus, Doamne, adu-ţi aminte de mine când vei veni în împărăţia ta. Isus a răspuns: Adevărat îţi spun, Astăzi vei fi cu Mine în rai.” (Luca 23:42-43) Spune-i lui Isus, “Doamne adu-ţi aminte de mine, vreau să intru în împărăţia Ta când voi muri. Te rog să-mi mântuieşti sufletul, şi să mă ierţi de toate păcatele mele. Vreau să-ţi trăieşti viaţa Ta în mine.”
“Fiindcă oricine va chema numele Domnului va fi mântuit.” (Romani 10:13)
“Fiindcă oricine va chema numele Domnului va fi mântuit.” (Romani 10:13)